Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol Reflection

1.  My concept is representing how I am a loving person and how my laugh is contagious. I like to spread happiness and my laugh usually makes other people laugh. The ending fireworks are meant to represent my fun side and how I'm usually hyper and fun but also how I am messy. I show my compassion through the growing heart. It grows and then disappears. Then I had the laughing face and more and more "ha" show up. This gives the idea of the laughter spreading. Finally the ending sparks help the fun idea because it is a vibrant contrast on the black background but also messy, which is representative of me.

2. Originally, my thumbnails had more detail but not very much change between frames. By using photoshop I wasn't able to do as many small details however I was able to change the picture more significantly. Also, I began with many simple thumbnails and for my project I combined some of them together to portray multiple components of me that more fully shows who I am.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection

1. The concept for my project was street art. I decided to use my three year old niece as my subject and I edited her into look like she was graffiti on a wall. I used pictures where she seemed angry and then in contrast I used a photo in which she looked playful and silly. I also used colorful flowers as part of my project to show another contrast and kind of make the picture bittersweet.

2. To place the pink flower in her hand, first I found an image online of a flower. Then I used the magnetic lasso tool to outline and select the flower. Next I copied and pasted the flower onto my main image.Next I added a mask layer to the flower layer. I moved the flower near her hand, and used the paint brush tool to blend out the area where her hand and the stem of the flower met, so the background would show through. If I erased too much, I was able to make it show again by painting with black.
3. Title: Flower Child
4. I am happy with my project. I like the way it looks and I feel like it is very similar to what I pictured in my head. I wish I would have added some kind of extra edition to the background. I would have liked to add some paint or added something to make it look slightly more realistic.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

1.  The brainstorming and drafting were the most helpful steps for me because the brainstorming allowed me to think of things that i related to the letter G, however by going farther and coming up with more possibilities, i was able to think of new ideas that i would not have originally thought of. Then the drafting allowed me to visual exactly what i would have to do to create my different ideas, and figure out which concept would best convey the letter. I began thinking of ideas that began with the letter G as a basis and then connecting other ideas to the original ones that began with G. When people saw my thumbnails most people liked the germ idea, so my positive peer feedback on the germ is what lead me to choosing that one.

2. The main things I did in my design to make it look like a germ was add flagellum (lines) around the edge because it is associated with images of germs. Also by making the shapes outline curvy it made it more visually recognizable as a germ. 

3. The most challenging aspect of this project for me was choosing which concept i would use for my final because there were many possibilities.We worked on so many different ideas and there were many that i liked so it was hard choosing which would lead to the best end result. Also it was difficult keeping the colors constant because colored pencils leave white spots and it hard to make the color even. I had to make multiple layers of color for all the white of the page to be evenly covered.

4. I am satisfied with my project because it looks very similar to what i pictured it to be when i began with my idea. However, i think i would be more satisfied if I used a different a different art supply besides colored pencil. I think for larger areas colored pencil didn't look as professional. I am satisfied with my final product but i would like it more if i colored it using sharpies or something that produces more uniform color.

5.If I could change something about my design i think i would make it more intricate overall. So i think i would choose a design that was more detailed because i think my idea was too simple and i wish my end product was more visually interesting. I would choose concept that has more details and components. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blog Homework

My name is Bryanna and I'm a senior. This is my graphic design homework !!

 This is me and my friends over the summer. This isn't really a "FOMO" picture but it was one of the highlight days of my summer.

This was my desert at Max Brenner's over the summer that I treated my older sister to for her birthday. There was ice cream and brownie on the bottom with caramel and it was really good. 

Over the summer I went to Universal Studios in Orlando and near the transformers ride there was a super realistic Bumblebee. I thought it was really cool and it danced around to different songs and posed with people.