Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Poster Reflection

1. I think the stand within my poster is fairly clear. The text of my poster is straight forward and the message is clearly that all body types are fine, not just super skinny bodies. I think it also shows my stance through the varying body types of the people in the poster and the various colors adds to the variety of people. 

2. I was not successful in re-creating my thumbnail. My original idea was more complicated and I would not be able to just trace a pre-made image.  I am okay with my new outcome but, I would have preferred to be able to create my thumbnail because I feel like the message would have been stronger. 

3. I removed the words form within the figure like I had it in my first version of the poster. I also made the figures larger and varied the colors. I also broke up the background into more pieces. I made changes with Ms. Lee's advice to make the decisions about color and font and space more meaningful and thoughtful. 

4. I think my project is strongest in the concept category because my images and the text are very explicitly related to my concept and what I'm trying to express. I feel least confident in the skill and technique category because I don't think I did extremely well with the tools and it was difficult for me. 

5. Conceptually, the most challenging aspect of the project was figuring out a slogan that was simple but also easy to understand and could effectively communicate an idea. It was also difficult because the text had to be something catchy and memorable which was difficult because many quotes were too long or too vague and not related to what I was trying to communicate.

5. Technically, it was difficult to trace the images and make them look realistic and how I wanted them. It was hard for me to manipulate the figures once I traced them because it was difficult to fill them in and change the colors.  It was also very difficult for me to draw in illustrator because the lines become shaky and not straight.


  1. I like the message your poster sends, I think the poster is clear because it is very direct and I like the play on words, "ever body" instead of everybody

  2. I think that the poster shows your stance on the subject very well and it is clear. I love the use of the color and how you broke up the space. It really draws my eyes. I think that the different colors of each women was a nice touch because it really adds on to how no every person is the same and that ok.
